Beretta 96 A1 Pistol

Beretta 96A1: Ultimate Tactical Firepower
The 96A1 is an evolution of the legendary 92FS (M9), one of the world’s most successful pistols for military, law-enforcement and self-defense use. Chambered in the powerful .40 S&W, it comes with three 12-round magazines to deliver impressive firepower for any tactical use. It is safe, accurate and reliable while offering easy operation, accessorization and disassembly; and its durability is further enhanced by a recoil buffer that greatly diminishes component stress. A pistol that bears the unmistakeable Beretta looks, it is the ultimate choice for shooters wanting a professional-grade personal- or home-defense pistol that can also be easily adapted for concealed carry.

  • Accurate and Reliable
  • Durable and Made to Last
  • Easy to Accessorize
SKU: 96A1 Category: Tag:

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